not my half term sadly...wish it was otherwise i'd def be out, i aint bin out properly in ageees!!! totally thought it was promise this friday like !!! half terms next week with my school, think mite cum along to smile next week perhaps!! aint bin out on a schoolnite 4 aggeeeees!!xxx
she should be up for my night mate and for new years day but then agen avent spoke to her for a while sounds good round up some troops ill defo be up for smile next week
how fuckin gutted :evil: been into town, went to bank to get more money out, fuckin accounts empty when there should be cpl hundred in it, checked online n apparently direct debits have came out and have no idea who they gone to, so no smile tonight. Good job me mate had car or would have been walkin home
will be there next week, was well looking forward to tonight though as i hardly been out this weekend, could have done with a good cheap piss up!!!
Paul > Just think, the money that you saved from tonight can go toward getting extra twatted next week I shall mos def be at Smile next week
aye we will have to round up some troops allie not been out for while so defo looking forward to this cheap drink and good music i will be at egypt cottage first will be free about 7ish if ya's wanna start then