Just got a job.. just got a job at the malmaison hotel on the quayside, start nxt weds dont know how i got the job, was calling the manager andy when hes really called anthony
WOO! well done young stuart. This mean your staying in england for ever and ever? sash will b VERY happy im happy too...america is no place for a young innocent boy
Re: Just got a job.. well done matey whats the job doing? A guy I used to work with is workin there on the bar, hes been sent abroad on cpl occasions for training and been on numerous cocktail, flaring, and wine tasting courses!!!
Re: Re: Just got a job.. im on the bar n stuff around there, b great if get sent around places n stuff, wuldnt mind tastin drinks-free! but guna b on bar n food n stuff but mite ava bash on reception n other things, i duno, beter than doin nuttin. linzi-ur not getin my trainers, im guna wear em 4 work n they'll clash with me boss, he's ginger! very posh in there like!
my mate damo works there, and has done for a few years i think! nice1 anyway geezer! hope things go well for ya! *how come someone from darlo got a job at a posh hotel??*
well done stu, pleased for u!!! will get damo to find u when u start, he is funny as fuck, u will like him
Chamberboy ?!?! you will have some rich old bloke hanging out the back of you before long It will be like band of gold when Kathy Tyson cleans up for Uncle Granville