thanx ! Hey Emzy n Jonny.... just wanted to say thanx for a great nite back at urs after promise! Jonny played a crackin set !!! Just thought we'd attach this pic......knew u'd both love it ....jonny more than emma tho we think !!! Happy bickering !!!:argue: C u's next time.... Jam'e'tron n Ellielou x :cyber:
Hiya chicks! No need to say thanx, we had a wicked night! What a poser eh! next time i'll get on me decks nd show Jonny up!! The photo's r wicked, how many is Jonny in, he got himself about a bit didn't he, and i don't know what the hell Brownie is doin in the one of me nd him Anyway, hope to c u soon, u betta b at Bosh, don't know if i'm out this weekend! Keep Cool! Emz x x