School Disco Am thinking of putting on a school disco on around the 20th December somewhere on Teesside and was just wondering how much interest there would be? The night wouldn't be advertised so you wouldn't get a load of chav's turning up. Woud be a "Local night for local people". First part of the night would be cheesy music like at your old school disco's then finishing off with anyone who fancied doing me a favour and playing. Fancy dress in ya school uniform and anything christmasy would be optional. Am only planning on charging about £2 for entry to cover cost's and anything extra would go to charity (ain't decided which one yet). Obviously i know some of you live miles away so this is aimed at peeps who live in the north east but you's are all welcome to come if it goes ahead. Any taker's?
If there's enough interest from up geordie land way we'd organise and coach for ya's. Heather: Dressing up's cool Andyf: pm'd
duncan i wouldn't come, just so you know that. although i'm sure baker and co would be there with bells on.