Troy Finally watched this lastnight, didnt kno what to expect as i was hearing alot of different views, But i really enjoyed it, the cast was awesome and the Fight scenes were outstanding! I definetly recommend it
The overemphasis on Male eye candy in the film was decidedly uncomfortable .... For a film marketed at young males and middle aged dads - It was a bit 'dodgy' to see so much of Brat Pitts arse and so LITTLE female flesh being paraded around. I liked the fight scenes though.
was worth it tho, one of the best films ive seen in a while! Brid - u kinda seen Kiera Knightly nude! from behind! the fight scenes were awesome tho, especially the one between Achillies & Hector!
id watch it for that alone think i mite hav to sometime soon bet he doesnt look half as good as he does in fight club tho
too rite...Mr pitt , mmm! watched Alphie last wasnt too great but Jude god!...he wud just have to look at me in the right way....! :inlove: :crazy: x
Did anyone read about the scientist who claims to have finally discovered Atlantis? He has discovered man made walls and building at the bottom of the ocean somewhere...... Very interesting...
hmmm jude law wanna c that film just to watch him in it. he is meant to look gorgoeus. he does anyway but even more so in that. not up to the standards of mr pitt yet, but is still time for him.