Elbow Out, tunes blasting - head nodding and occasionaly tapping the roof : "Here man look at me fooking motor man hew, its got proper alloys and all that "
tonight - bella and frans house with plently wine drinkage saturday - going to darlington with stu, oh the fun!the night life is SOOOOOO shit that it actually becomes good sunday - sunday dinner and relaxing xx
My housemates have all had that, I've moved out for a few days due to my phobia of sick Fri- handing in my essay then off to the pub for a few swift drinks after xmas shopping (you can NOT find bikinis at this time of year ) Sat- Start another essayafter watching the match and maybe head to the local Sun-quiz night
Tonight probs doing some uni work Saturday and sunday at work all day, second last weekend before I leave, cant wait! Sat night might be going to Hed Kandi but think I'm probs going to give it a miss as bit skint after last weekends shenanigans
Tonight - out with friends from work, probably somewhere cheesy. Tomorrow - watching the match at the pub, then nothing for the rest of the day. Sunday - hopefully Sunday dinner.
Tonight - Maybe X Rated Saturday - Fuck all, might end up playing North Bar. Sunday - Bed marathon with beers Hollyoaks and kleenex. Quality time with the wife thats all folks
tonight - fuck all possible having a smoke :chill: tomorrow - sleep most the day, probably smoke on the night :chill: sunday - chill with the still
tonight, working late, home then bed tomorrow work then a mate :chill: sun chrimbo shopping then :chill: with mates
yesterday PM - company awards ceremony in park lane = HANGOVER TODAY today PM - Company christmas party ... more drinking tomorrow PM - Maybe Fabric (Fancois K and Craig Richards playing) depending on if my mate has the energy, and meet up with Ussrpatriot. Or maybe hang around home and stuff and get blitzed.
off to see Plump DJs in Manchester tonight - hopefully it'll be good tomorrow and Sunday...not sure yet, depends if we kick on in Manchester or head back
I am loving your avatar like! Tonight - I am being a taxi driver. Taking my Mam to Town, then shopping at the metrocentre, picking her up on the way back. Then going back to Newcastle to pick the wife and Kel up, they'll be in some state! Tmr - Watch the match, go to the pics with the bairn, then quiet night in with the family. Sunday - Go somewhere with the bairn, then probably the pics with Rach. Very quiet weekend. Suppose it's got to be done with chrimbo round the corner, plenty time for all that then!
Fri- A night in with my lad and were going to have a little fellow or two and just listen to music and have a class nite in.Haven't done that for ages. Sat- Recover Sun- Finish my Xmas shopping