Xmas Reading Anyone else bought themselves some festive reading? I have just bought myself: Cocky: The Rise and Fall of Curtis Warren, Britain's Biggest Drugs Baron Mad Dog: The Rise and Fall of Johnny Adair and 'C' Company Michael Moore Is a Big Fat Stupid White Man
i'v egot a selection to read this christmas & winter when i get snowed in. i've got books by harlan coben martina cole & also books called life of pi why women can't read maps & men don't listen i've asked santa for 4 books based on travelling & places to go too!
Re: Xmas Reading Read Cocky a while ago,well good read. Just bought Stupid White Men as well havnt read it yet tho.
The whole dan Brown collection the guy is a fucking legend.... Spense MM is a stupid white man is pretty good
Re: Re: Xmas Reading The book I bought is Michael Moore Is a Big Fat Stupid White Man, not Stupid White Men
life of pi is fantastic...im re-reading it atm, as well as reading monsterous regiment by terry prachett. have asked for a few books for xmas, wanting the newben elton one
Weirdly, I have just bought myself Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy, cos I like the film and wana see what the book is like Books are always much better than the films