Desperate number 2 Does anyone do marketing?! And have any sort of marketing plan which could be used internationally?! Can be for any product or service as long as it can be introduced internationally. I gotta do this by Friday but want to come home on Thursday before I go away so I can open my presents
Actually, any kind of essay relating to international marketing will do, I really am getting desperate!!
ive got an international marketing plan i did in my module last yr, if u want il send it to u to look at?? its to launch doritos in indian market!!
I handed one in today aswell, it feels like I've got essays growing out me To think I've had them since September aswell, I will NEVER learn
You could of wrote all your essays in time if you hadnt been so busy replying to Trickle,Sleepy,Scrufs,Spuds + Allie's PM's