
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bigdave, Jun 23, 2002.

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  1. bigdave

    bigdave Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    on its side

    pretty good!!!!

    IAN VAN DAHL!!!!!-definately the highlight for me!:D :D :D

    actually i was a bit disapointed, there wernt that many peeps there and the atmosphere wernt that good!!very few songs seemed to really get the crowd going!!when oakie played skip raiders and when tenaglia played his edit of rui de silva were a couple of the fewer times!!
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. miss_messy

    miss_messy Registered User

    Dec 19, 2001
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    MaJiKaL pLaNeT MoO
    so i aint missed out then??

    heheeeeeeeee! saved meself some money innit!?
  4. bigdave

    bigdave Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    on its side still glad i went like!!if only for ian van dahl!!!and fergie was quite good on last too!!

    does anyone know if enimem was really on???

    cos lab4 did a cover of his tune and some said he was there????
  5. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
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    Pink Heaven
    i love eminem :D

    i would have melted if he was there, but i wasnt there, gutted!
  6. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    GCSSS - CaRnAgE :p

    Yet again Hardwick gets shit on - sure he was playin @ like 5pm or summit n then when i looked @ the line ups for the GC Tent i seen Fergie as ending it all :confused: WTF ??? Fergie is to Crasher what Alan Shearer is to Newcastle - Scott Bond was ok like tho aint the "Daddy" as we used to know him - Talla was spot on for early ish set then Oakenfold totally blew me away droppin "Adagio 4 Strings, Lizard, Southern Sun" remember lookin @ me mate who was simply reduced to tears - Tiesto was me next Big name to see n he was well shall we say iesto :p - then OMFG OMFG PVD :eek: - theres not a better DJ on the planet IMO - the bass was pingin to fuck in the Main Arena and everyone was lovin it - i thought he was good @ Heaven for GC but this set blew all expectations simply unreal !!!!!!

    The event as a whole was good like - i never moved from the Gatecrasher Main Arena like all night and if i did wasnt to go elsewhere it was probably sort me head and me jaw out :( - it was a bit of a cunt to find like and the roads were dodgy as fuck as well as on the way back the police pullin people over left right n centre for "Random Drugs Tests" many a kid i seen doin some strange stuff with the police watchin like hawks :p - as for the tight security there it was load of shite - IMO the Drum & Bass Tent is a waste of Tent :( and from what i seen there wouldnt take Einstein to figure out that all the dealers were Jamaican offerin ya all sorts here there n everywhere - to get them away aske them if they have any Heroin ;) worked a treat - thanks to Dave n Marissa for sortin me and me mates out for the bus back and lol @ ur drunkenness early on ;) best way really least ya dont end up like i feel now

    LMFAO @ Ian Van Dahl as the live PA too :p - tho there wasnt really anyone standing still @ that point !!!! and also LMFAO @ me mates and there antics inside some of the tents - never laughed so much in me life !
  7. bellini


    Nov 19, 2001
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    i heard they feked it up with the carl cox technoey tent like!
  8. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    was it not big enough for him to fit inside or sumit?:p
  9. Rozz

    Rozz Registered User

    Feb 26, 2002
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    12" from the speakers!
    I was there!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!! What a moment, was in tears right from southern sun to lizard!

    WOW!!!!!!! couldnt believe what i was hearing!!!!!!!!!!!! How mad! The fact that Adagio for Strings is me all time fave followed by lizard and southern sun.......... could i have asked for anything more????? I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Absolutely mad!!!!!!!!!!! And then after that------ TIESTO!!!!!! WOO FUKKIN HOO! :D

    words can really not explain how good it was, looks like me and john both have tried but still much better than anything which could possibly be explained through words on a message ;)
  10. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    SSS was so lush from the minute I made it (just) past the sniffer dogs till.... now!

    Anyone who didn't see the Chems relly missed out - I had to break in to see them. Too many beautiful moments to list, lost my new Chems shirt, found a new friend. Felt like no time at all in there, but was great to go wandering for four hours!

    Just too good to explain, loved it loved it loved it

    I saw some of Carl Cox late on, it was shit! no-one was there, the sound was bad, he didn't even try, so everyone just wandered away, crap!
  11. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    GCSSS was mint I tell ya, absolutely fukkin mmmmmmint!

    got there about 2pm, waited round til 3.30 til the gates opened, was absolutely bricking myself cos they had a sniffer dog on the gate and there was summik fairly pungent down me pants :p sniffer dog my arse, that was someone's pet labrador, a real sniffer would have turned somersaults.

    Just caught last 10 mins off Matt, where's the sense putting matty on at 3pm??? :confused:

    Caught signum in the tidy tent, dropped the new scot project tune, hands up, wow what a choon. That was Eminem we saw, ses so on the GC site, he was there cos Lab4 used one of his tracks in their set, anyone notice if he was providing vocals?

    Oakey was the best set of the day IMHO, cant remember what he dropped but was just about the most awesome set I ever heard, had the main arena rocking. Followed by Tiesto then Van Dyk who were both amazing. I had to leave near end of Tiestos set to go see the Chems............

    OMG they were absolutely fukkin amazing, words just cant describe how good. The light show was out of this world, did things I've never seen before, was utterly fantastic.... on the break in sunshine underground you would not believe... impossible to describe. Dropped Afrika, Star Guitar, Hoops, Outta Control, Hey Girl Hey Boy, Sunshine Underground and a few new tracks towards the end, massive power tracks with big big sounds. The Chems rock!

    Oh and the light show in the main arena was incredible, loadsa lasers, massive big lights, huge circle about 50ft diameter would light up the whole tent, must have cost megabucks but was sooooooooooo good.

    Also caught Danny Tenaglia, was really good, the tent was rammed for the whole 6hrs of his set. Carl Cox was good but was nobody there :confused:

    Top weekend :D:D:D:D c y'all at GKGG
  12. my monkey

    my monkey Registered User

    Jan 26, 2002
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    Currently residing at Tribal Sessions in Sankeys s
    Si, I'm surprised you remember all that!

    All I can remember is going in the main arena at 10pm and coming out again at 6am....

    I missed out on Sooooooooo much !

    Too many things all going on at the same time, impossible to get round it all.
  13. Lil'Gem

    Lil'Gem Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    right where they hung that monkey!!!
    mucho funo was had at the weekend. hooj thanx to Dave n Marissa 4 many drunken giggles. i drank far too much too early, went on a dizzyfying ride, got the munchies and ate too much, danced a little too hard to the tidy boys and managed to make myself feel sick for about 2 hours after that.

    Still don’t know whether I'm glad or sad to have missed Ian Van Dahl!!!!!

    Dave> we were in Tenaglia's tent (texting u to find out we where u were!) when he played rui da silver, and most of the night after that, I do love Tenaglia but he didnt have to stop the music every 20mins and talk for wot seemed like for ever, mainly to thank the british, erm, for bieng british i think?! "its no problem Danny - u could say it comes naturally!"

    Tiesto always guarantees to bring out the grins, the 'hands up in the air' dances and manages to get the full crowd kareoke-ing to at least 1 tune he plays - which is why i love him :D!

    Sasha & Digweed i didnt like - altho they were playing well - it was too slow and proggy for gcsss. I enjoyed Scot Bond & the bit of oakie i saw, but they defo werent the highlight, loved lab 4 and eminem (ok, i was very pissed and so also probably very gullable, but i thought it was him, thought he was mint and anyone who says otherwise i'm not going to believe so please dont bother trying to dissapoint me!).

    I've got to give a big thumbs up to Ste (my fella, for those of u who dont know him) for keeping Wedy & Ian sweet (My mam n dad). when the picked us up from Boro bus station, they announced that we were havinga BBQ when we got home & we had to eat before we went to bed. i got hom & sat on the couch waiing for the BBQ to start & fell asleep. I fell into the kind of sleep that NO1 can wake you up from. ste managed to keep awake, humour my mam n dad by eating, playing with my kid bro, cooking and even drinking beer again with my dad and cracking some jokes with him - till about 7ish i think. What a perfect boyfriend.
  14. Guest

    i was in a right state on saturday night thinkin i was missin it but i got smashed and decided not to let it bother me.

    cant wait to see digweed at gg if hes playin all his proggy shit again he started playing really really slow shit but if hes bak to his proggy cant fookin wait just hope hes not on at the same time as marco v or scott project.
  15. bellini


    Nov 19, 2001
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    haha thats probly it kidda!didya go btw?
  16. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    it was Eminem, GCSSS site sed he was gonna be there, see

    I'm confused un all, does anyone know if Carl Cox was there or not, went to see him late on in the chemical tent, was a big black guy with glasses on playing house music, assumed that was Cox, but apparently he wasn't there at all :confused: anyone know for sure.
    The reason the Carl Cox tent wasn't there is cos the tent was damaged last week and they couldn't get another anywhere cos Gladstonbury have them all, so they had to merge with the chemical tent, hence the changes in programme times. Fair enough they couldnt change thousands of laminate programmes at such short notice, but u think they'd at least have posters up outside the tents with new programmes on :mad:
  17. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    Si - U were one me Bus :p but we shall not talk bout that as me head was all to pot - not good :( :(

    Apparently Carl Cox was there but im sure i heard they changed 2 seperate tents into 1 - also u mentioned the Programme Times - its strange coz a couple of me mates are well into there Techno and when they found out that Dave Clarke wasnt there they were gutted - turned out that when walkin about he WAS on in the Techno Tent/Area so was a complete fuck up with the Times !!
  18. kid

    kid Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    Inside My Minds Mind!
    Eminem wsnt there it was a lookalike

    heres the proof.....

    Attached Files:

    • em1.jpg
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      17.4 KB
  19. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    Is that just not him but FuCkEd :p

    I dont think he shy to the odd "Jack n Jill" is he ;)
  20. kid

    kid Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    Inside My Minds Mind!
    well to me it doesnt look like him, why would eminem perform with lab 4?, especially when in his song he sings "nobody listen to tehcno"
  21. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    nah me never went! tryin to save pennys for GG and tidy weekender instead!:)

    as for eminem that looks like a 12 year old slim shady to me! hehehe:D

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