Fly Tipping Dilemma Today when driving out in the country I saw a white van and three charvers Fly Dumping loads and I mean LOADS of rubble next the side of the road. There where loads of signs up saying NO DUMPING and 20k fines etc etc. Being a good citizen I took the vans reg. Should I tell the cops??? Could I tell the council insted?? If they where robbing a bank I wouldnt care but I fucking hate litter!! I dont fancy ringing the pigs as I fucking hate the twats. Tehy always ask your name and address these days as well... WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Grass the fuckers. i would. i always gan to the tip - so should fucking they! Giz me the reg - i'll grass 'em!
Aye whats so hard about going to the tip??? I know they can be dodgy if they think your "a business" but surely it cant be that expensive to go to the buiness dump??? Ill get the Reg out of my Van tomorrow and we can grass em using the Piggies website and your details!
Re: Fly Tipping Dilemma the only word you needed to say to make up my mind. damn right, fuck them over the pikey scum.
PM me the reg of the vehicle, and where the fly tipping was done, i'll pass it on to a cityworks directorate for neighbourhood services.
bribe a copper to give you their address using their reg number then go get all the rubble and tip it on their front lawn
I reported the same thing to the police a couple of years ago. They rang back a few days later to say that they visited the scum, who said that it wasn't them because they were somewhere elase at the time. The police said that they didn't have enough evidence to do anything about it, I was an eye witness FFS how much evidence do they need?
if pike wasnt so behind the times he would have had a camera on his mobile, could av took a pic of them and send the coppers a mms :laugh:
I couldnt have done that, the fuckers where going to brick me van just for clocking them!! good rip tho!! Even if they arnt done it may make them think twice b4 doing it again?