paris!! apparently im getting took there 4 valentines day but in an attempt to take the matter into my own hands im wondering if anyone knows of any lovely hotels cos aint ever been there
Sally went for New Years just before last... She was caught up in a riot, tear gassed and then some fucking ethic mugged her and her pal of their handbags & passports. When they tried to get help from the French Police all the police where askin was "Have you got any boyfriends" Fucking scum!! The place is full of african asylum seekers wearing American clothes! wanna be gangsters. A North East man was stabbed to death on the Paris metro the week after she got back, some of you might remember the chronical front page. You have to queue 2 hours to get in any attraction... Its really expensive. Geneva and Vienna are much more romantic. The whole place stinks of shite becuase they dont have proper sewers Apart from that its romantic as fuck!!!
i took Alison a few years ago and we stayed at The Normandy Hotel. You can't beat it for location, its 2 mins walk from the tube stop at the Lourve. So you also in walking distance of the Lourve it self and the gardens surrounding it, from here you can get to river which is wonderful to walk past with loads of little restaurants, a couple of them are actually are floating in the river itself. it is 4* and about 250 euros a night. depends on your budget really, if you want to do it in luxury i couldn't reccomend that hotel any higher. i would say you need at least 3 days over there to do most of the touristy stuff and take in a bit of shopping. we were there for 3 days but could easily stayed for longer. you can take a virtual tour round the hotel on that site also.
no not really, never had any trouble at all with the police they were really helpful when asked for directions in my appauling french. didn't find it to be any more expensive than london, and the same for asylum seeker/gangter types.. isn't this a feature of any major european city these days anyway. however, i do remember the place smelling quite odd in certian parts of the city, it was only a very minor point though.
Paris is wicked Expensive yes. Still a fantastic city though. We stayed at the Novanox near Port Royal train station (just down from the Latin Quarter) Make sure u pop in the Louvre, do the Sein boat trip, go up the Eiffel tower and go and see Sacre Coeur . U can buy baguettes on the street for reasonable prices. If you go to the Buddha Bar though make sure you take plenty cash.... Was 16 euros for a half heinken and a glass of house white
I was gonna take my lass a few year ago but she didn't wanna.. so I said "What about Barcelona?".. No.. "Ok what about Venice?" No.. ended up in Amsterdam.. I would like to go to Paris though.. regardless of my dislike for the French.
Random Fact: The french hate the parisians. The normal police are fine, just avoid the CRS like the plague. Apart from that watch out for pick-pocketting on the metro. Its MUCH worse than over here. The gansta/asylum types can be found, but only if you stray out of the centre No proper sewers? You can visit them if you want.
Dont listen to people saying its sure u will have a lovely time! My grandma used to live there I will try and find out off her
I was there then. The tear gas drifting up around the Eiffel Tower was one of the most romantic scenes I have ever witnessed. Dodging the fireworks and bottles that were being thrown around while trying not to spill my can of Heineken id paid £8 made the night even more enjoyable!!
I dont know where the French get the bad rep from l took the g/f in June this year. And all the french people were really cool with us (I always try and speak the lanuage where ever l go) if l struggled with the lanuague most switched into english to help us out straight away. We even got interviewed by a couple of french students when we shopping on the Champs Elysees (Didnt have a clue what they were saying at first, so l broke out the "I dont understand, l'm english" in french) which was cool. French people