Random question about Air Traffic Control... I need to write about this briefly and need a few points as to why ATC systems are so important for safety... I have so far thought of ensuring there are no collisions, and updates of weather, and efficient take off/landings I need a couple more points...ideas? Probably totally obvious but i cant think of them Cheers
why dont you write about how antiquated the current system is. The current system uses a series of printed paper tags to represent individual aircraft, and these are lined up in order of priority as they are tracked along the regional/local radar operator. This system is often confusing, and is responsible for many human errors and near misses. They recently (2 yrs ) they tried to replace the old system at a big regional control centre in brighton with a new paperless system, and the whole thing crashed within hours. I did a week's work experience for Serco international, which was the premier air traffic control training centre near where I live in the south. Serco has shut down now, and concentrated on making speed cameras
this thread has probably been read by the CIA at those big golf ball things on the yorkshire moors, your IP, bank details, home address, blood type and everything are more than likely being checked thru interpol to see if you've got any 'dodgy' relatives. you're being watched too probably, thru your monitor....
Re: Random question about Air Traffic Control... ensuring smooth air traffic flow not only for britain, but for the rest of europe and inbound flights from america.... efficient management of local traffic (news+police helicopters, light private aircraft) and commercial traffic. Also mention that the big airports in the UK also bring a lot of revenue for the UK, with heathrow being a very important hub for all sorts of airlines and service charters. Also remember to mention military traffic, because despite the fact you may not see it, its still present. Hope that helps.
Agree witht the first reply. You should talk about how outdated the current system is and how it causes incidents like THIS.
Cheers for the tips! I dont need an analysis of the system as a whole, my assignment is to design an automated ATC system. The introduction is to do with why they are safety critical, but thats all. Dont need any other analysis of it. ManOf..
go to the library. There are loads of books on Safety critical systems, and LOADS of case studies on air traffic control, and the fukk ups....
having just finished reading dan brown - digital fortress i can now categorically state that is true.
Its done now like! I only needed to have 5 bullet points and a sentence for each Cheers for the tip though, I didnt realise there was a generic term of "safety critical system" Had I have known I would of had a look!!
now that you have said a key phrase, they are going to have YOU under serveilance (i dont care if i spelled that wrong ) THE YANKS CAN KISSETH MY BRITISH ASS.
i was nearly an air traffic controller. didnt get past the final interview though. was harder than me driving test and dissertation put together! u gotta be fookin clever to do that job.