Fabric Awsome. Went down there yesterday for Toms birthday. Just about recovered sufficiently to make a post about it now. Cheers to everyone who made it down. Tom, Smog, Paula, Spence, Pete, Clare, Jane, Fester and Lucy. Spent the first couple of hours after arriving wondering about in the cold. Dropping bags off, tube stations shut, and that kinda stuff. It was f*****g freezing too! Finally got to some bar, had some food and a few pints. Think my burger was still pink in the middle. Doesnt seem to have done any harm though. Went to another bar a bit nearer Fabric. Then Spence (along with Smog and Paula) arrived at about midnight, and livened things up a bit! Went off to Fabric. Got some drinks and headed off into Room 2 for Pier Bucci (live) who was outstanding i thought. Then Craig Richards, who was very good too. Some quite mental stuff he was playing towards the end of his set. That room was our base camp for the night. Wandered off to Room 1 for Ralph Lawson 20:20 Soundsystem, who were fucking brilliant. Most of our lot seemed to prefer Room 2, so from what i can remember i drifted between the two rooms for the next few hours. DJ Heather was excellent in Room 1. Finished the night off in Room 2 with Damian Lazarus (i think). Gettin sketchy by then. Wondered out of the club at 7, all worse for wear, apart from The Spence who was still going strong (and loud). The place was a maze. I was lost for a good 25% of the time we were in there. Fester then got conned by two lucky lucky men. Spence found this hilarious, and was wiping away tears of laughter even on the train 2 hours later. Train back, Spences banter was quality. Kept us (and half the carriage) entertained. Wrecked now. :spangled:
Re: Fabric Last week in April @ The Empire mate Sounds ace, I fancy going to Fabric sometime soon like.
was a goodun considering five people dropped out of coming after id bought the tickets. i dont think dexter was on now.. think craig richards did the whole of his set on his mac... made me laugh when jane or fester turned round with the 'it cant be dexter - why not? - well for a start, dexters black' damien lazurus ruled the roost for me great club, shame about all the rent boys selling 'pilzz'. planning a return soon.. maybe with some of the people that said they had no money to come this time.
We were there last week and I really wasn't that impressed with him, his music wasn't half as good as I was expecting. From what I saw he played all off vinyl aswell.
Sounds like a good night . Wouldn't mind a dodge down there sometime, would be a nice change of scenery
yes, i know i was a bellend in not going but if theres a return trip being planned....count me in this time
cock you sent me a text :spangled: was being force fed drink by spence in the hussar round the corner for about 5 hours yesterday.. ive only just regained my sight/ hearing now... sasha sounds good, but i want to go to harlem nights next time im down! it wasnt you in particular.. more the girl who sent me a text saying she 'couldnt face it' 5 mins before we got the train.. next time im going anywhere, fuck anyone else.
dont think your face would have got thru the door to be fair.. ill let you off for illness you know your in a shit job when your chuffed to have chicken pox so you dont have to show up will have a word with the cockney slapper an see if we can crash at hers in may.....
Apparently Spence cant read my post on here? What bad words is there to make his work firewall block it? I cant see any, unless its cos ive said 'base'?
i quite fancy this lineup on the 15th april.. WALL OF SOUND Present (sic).: Jacques Lu Cont The Infadels (live) Etienne De Crecy presents Super Discount (live) Jellybean KILL EM ALL & LET GOD SORT EM OUT: Black Wire (live) Simian Mobile Disco Clor (live) Nadia Ksabia (our disco) Rory (trash) The Filthy Dukes The Liars Club WALL OF SOUND Present BAD MAGIC: Vinyl Dialect Dan Greenpeace
why thank you... you know id of been there otherwise! exactly right about the job, its nice having the pox cos i feel ok and i get time off score!
it was a class night, the club and atmosphere were amazing. thanks to spence for helping me to choose Toms birthday drink the barman -- are you sure about this spence -- yeh just throw it all in
'and top it off with some lime cordial' the delight on spencers face when he found a drink that 'had broken me'