ebay scam warning.. ive been getting very genuine looking emails from support@ebay.com saying they're unable to bill me because my account details are wrong. the email looks authentic but when you click the link it takes you to an address outside of ebay - for exaple welcome.com and an IP address. don't do it, im sure some of you will have as it looks very convincing, they have a couple of slips in their english if you read through it carefully, and they've said you must respond by the 15th of March when its the 17th now. be careful
Ive had that before So I went onto Ebay itself and updated my details, pointlessly. Never click on links :tut:
Just check the web address of the link before you click it. It usually looks very dodgy. The emails do look very convincing like. Report them to ebay too.
someones been trying to hack into my dads ebay a/c & ebay have now reset his password....without telling him!
common sense should warn you off stuff like this - I've had the same from 'paypal' (or purporting to be) - remember eBay / paypal etc will NEVER ask for a/c details and will always address you by your username / real name rather than 'dear eBay user' and so on forward spoofs to spoof@ebay.co.uk or spoof@paypal.com respectively
None of the stuff in any of the emails are true. Any email that ever tells you to input details is a scam. To avoid getting these emails you should make sure your user name is not the same as your email address. e.g. user name: Ayatollah Terry - email: Ayatollahterry@hotmail.com
I always fill them in with insults, i.e eBay User ID IHOPEYOURCHILDRENGETCANCER Password IHOPESOMEONEYOUKNOWDIES I know it does nowt but I would like to think that they key that in