Tired What helps when you are really tired and have deadlines to meet in about 15 hours and your nowhere near meeting them Ive been drinking coffee all day and I just went in the shower to try and wake myself up!! It worked a little bit but I feel very sleepy now...missed last night's sleep out basically More coffee?
get some fresh air wake u up a bit n have a break from it do something else for a bit then go bak to it your mind will b refreshed n you wil concentrate on it more
I was thinking about the fresh air thing! Always wakes you up that doesnt it. At this very moment, I feel so in love with my bed..
Went back to laurens house! Oh yeah. Then it was so light when I got in I couldnt get to sleep I had a really restless sleep like, I think I did get like probably an hour in total, but I dont feel like I did at all!
Cold shower, walk round the block, 1 x Redbull and 2 x pro plus Not sure if it will defo work, but it sounds canny...
im so tired to had no kip for bout 50 hrs throw work and stress had loads of coffee even had vodka redbull in a mug of coffee tis horrible but done the job
Re: Tired i hate deadlines too. i end up panicing and rushing in a frenzy just getting them in on time. had 7000 words worth of uni work to be in on weds + thurs this week. must have had about 20 hours sleep total since monday night, haven't been able to relax from it since, staying up pretty much all tuesday, wednesday + thursday, 5 hours sleep or so between them all gotta learn to plan my time much better than this, can never motivate myself, even when its music, i ended up being 2 weeks late with my last remix lol
very truem got to bed at about 3.30, then got up at 12, so wasnt a bad sleep! totally shattered now like, really want to go back to bed