solar stone after two class releases in solar coaster and speak in sympathy the mighty seven cities is gettin a re-realease on its original lost language!!the new armin mix as well as the legendary v-one mix!!!very nice 29th july
s'pose so, but still, will b easier 2 get a copy and that can only b a good thing 4 peeps like me who aint got 1
gotta say - atlantis mix is the best armin's mix does rock, but dont beat atlantis has anyone heard the jon '00' fleming mix? as played at crashers white night (so im told) and also at the summer sound system by tiësto...
armin played his mix at white night....john 00 fleming played his mix of cafe del mar but i cant remember hiumplaying solar stone?!?!
fucks sake... thats what i meant. lol! me gettin confused eh? lol just ignore me in future - usually slightly wasted when i post on here... honest!
his mix is excellent mefinx happy in away its gettin realesed cause means iwill finally have 7 cities!! but akkk wont be as speical when hardwick drops it now!!
TUNE!!! armin remix of seven cities is amazing , so is the airbase remake of solarcoaster aswell as the 2 originals. jon 00 flemmings remix of cafe del mar is awesome, i prefer the marco v remix like but these r all amazing tunes!
whats the airbase mix of solarcoaster like? not heard that yet, but will do soon i hope - it up to much?
yea its really good, not as chilled as the orig. but has a lot more energy, and sounds absolutely amazing, this is one tune not to miss out on. mick
you got it on mp3 by any chance..? if so - where did ya get it from? cos my usual source aint up at the mo lol so i dont have nowhere to get it from...
speak in sympathy is one of the best tunes so far this year, its pure class - i am in love with that vocal lol
sounds so class don it!!has it just been released or summit cos there was tuns a copies in the shops over the weekend??when i got mine i thought it had been out a while??
i couldnt tell ya mate, all i know is how long the mp3 has been out... but the vocal is one of the best vocals ive heard
mr scott bond played the new mix of solar stone on fri. it was his 1 and only good tune of the nite tho, cos as usaul he was poo. plod plod plod yawn yawn yawn.
New Armin Van Burren mix of seven cities is fukkin wicked! I first heard it played by the man himself at SSS, was his first tune.