When i first left school it was my priority to work in a bank after enjoying my work experience so much really. I applied to shit loads of places but nothing ever come up, i was working from the day after my GCSE's for about £30/£50 a week for a year for two diff training agencies (One was in Gateshead then i moved into Toon) as a trainee accoutant which was really good - again the job never come up and as much as i have since got a GNVQ from all this i had to move on. I started at the DSS in Oct 1998, which was in effect my first proper job so to speak with ok ish money (well not now). I have been there ever since and been promoted once since 98, most recently (Oct 04) i got another 2nd Job at Asda just to help me out that little bit more I dont think i thought id stay where i am now for so long (DSS) but its just too convenient really being 10 mins walk from my house and as for the 2nd Job its about the same. I am always looking to get into something new but lack the motivation really
i just can't work - work doesn't like me and dont like work.. thinking about throwing my face in front of a train @ the local station but the future prospects are a bit shocking.