I don't see how anyone can call the man shite... He's fucking good at what he does and thats all that counts???? Look how long he's been wityh Radio1, he wouldn't be there period if he was shit! he wouldnt be where he is today if he was shit.... I would like anyone on this board to give me a valid reason as to why he is shit???? Fucking rant over!
not your taste that all mate...everyones going on about how good fergie and Marco V were and i thought they were boring but they are both mint djs... as is boring PVD...
haha, his gurn was class. someon should have caught mick rubbing a whole toilet roll over my head while i was asleep
has impressed me 3 times in magalluf and once at one of the first couple of gk's at the telewest and thats it, he isnt shite though...
Hes good. Cos he packs every single event he plays. And if he puts his mind to it he can be a good DJ as well. Have heard him play sme BLINDING sets!!!!
didnt know you and slash were there...i saw slash but didnt speak incase i got lip off some Manchester lookalike ...i'm good at saying hello to people i think i've met before