jules at ikon thought id put a thread up about this cos everyones always quick to slag him off when hes played poorly, his set at ikon was the best ive seen him in 2/3 years easily played some fairly tough & techy stuff, minimal cheese (except the obligatory 'i feel wonderful' which tbf was expected) and dropped 'lucid - i cant help myself', which i hadnt heard in about 4 years... what a tune either him or above & beyond for set of the night imo also ............... Lashes - loser of the night. starting with hard trance mixes of 'yeke yeke' and 'happiness happening', also played equally as horrid mixes of 'ayla' and 'airwave' in an hour and a half set. is there no decent hard house around at the moment, for everyone to be ripping off old trance tunes :spangled:
Re: jules at ikon the barrels have been getting scraped for many a year now min the world of hard dance music
a couldnt be arsed going me ....... who ever went whaht was it like and has anyone got any pics for it yet
Think there is some on Mujao. I thought Jules played canny too,don't usually like him but he was good
I loved Dana's set.. I didnt really pay attention to who was on tho and I don't think i payed attantion to the change between Dana/Jules/Tulip/Maitland at all.. I was at the back of the stage and couldnt see the Dj's at all from there. Anything hard that night was good though.. it was just the softer stuff played after Dana that didn't get my vote as it spoilt the rhythm!
I had a good night enjoyed jules but A&B got my vote for best set of night left during tulip didnt get a single rush all night
I spent most of Jules set looking after my mate who woz throwing up last weeks breakfast :sick: I did catch Lucid tho - top tune!!! xx
not really what i wanna hear...first time i aint seen jules play in the north east for about 5 years and i hear he played one of the best sets eva...gggrrrrr!!! xxxx
aw fuck this man i cant handle not seeing him 3 times over 2 weeks....i am such a shit jules fan these days arent i lol!! may try and come along to that thing on the night if i manage to rob a bank before then...or alternatively scale one of the fences to get into the daytime thingymajig!! lol!! hope it rains :evil: xxx
# sorry to hijack this thread, but you deserve an award for the longest serving avatar ever on this board, youve had that avatar for fucking years. Give yourself a pat on the back and a nice big medal... carry on with thread!
haha no way i neva knew it was in a tent...anyways i mite have tickets so for now my bitterness can subside lol!! goddamn it i really want to go, hope our lil contact does send us tkts....xxx