wen all my m8s went last year 3 of my mates lost thier virginity to the girls from the red light district.
lol yeh we're camping i think itll be funny as, were going down a day early and staying in a hotel, then staying a day after the festival too, i cant wait hehe, which hotel u staying at so i can check for them other 2 days please
Think I'm goona book up for this soon.. haven't been over for a few years. Amsterdam = Awesome place.. can't remember the last time I was there (literally can't!!)
Re: Dam Nice1 Marc, Women in Amsterdam How long are you there for? Just saw nowt to the dealers.... they don't bother you if you say nowt. glad your having a good one
A picture my mate took on the 1st day in my favourite coffee shop... the long ugly lookin things being Amnesia Haze Bought that T-shirt aswell