New Job! Whoop whoop as per the thread a new job. I have cracked the construciton industry I am going to be an Assistant Site Manager (yeah guys a woman or girl as I prfer to be called on site) All my hard work at uni is beginning to pay off, company car and lots more cash! I only have a week left then I have holidays to take before my new job. So time off hopefully it will be sunny! And the Oasis concert to look forward to in Manchester! Just arranged to get my laser eye treatment done too so that should help to pay towards that! Dont think I can handle this much excitement in one week! :groovy:
yeah out tonight- as my mate is going abroad to work for a few months so any excuse to go and get hammered- just local though as she needs to save her pennies! Not sure about tommorow night if I can twist Chris's arm I would fancy Vuzz!
My Rigger (sp?) boots are the best...ahh sexy ha ha! the jacket looks far too big for me when I am on site I look like a little kid!
you should defo come, me n casy are going, probs taking car, so there will more than likely be room for a lift for yas
Champion I will work my magic on him wthl my power of persuasion! I will let you both know tommorow if we are going hun.