my brakes well i dont think is my brakes is the brake pads i think. everytime i press on the they make a grinding noise so wots the crack, do i need to get them done asap and how much will that cost? and am i ok to drive with them being like that for the time beign?
yes it's your pads, they are canny cheap to have replaced. I paid about £30 for a new set from ATS. Get it done asap, if you don't you will end up paying for new brake discs also...they can be £££
20 minute job for a corsa, just phone and book in advance to make sure they have the parts so you don;t have to wait long. try... ATS Quickfit places like that
Glad i'm not going on road trip with you this weekend then Sean, Graham and Bella are defo up for it though. I'll pray you's get there in one piece:angel2:
lol but u mite b in my car on sunday if we go to the coast and stuff mrs il c if i can go this afternoon, they wont even know im gone here il ring that ats place up in a bit coz cud just go shoppin while they doin it
Is there any jobs going at your place Claire, i think your job description is "The Square Route Of Fuck All" I will echoe Fran's comments as well, pleased i am not in the clubbing taxi the neet :laugh:
i cant help i get everythin done so quickly coz im so efficent so leaves me with nothing to do aye im sure u can come to some groups with me or we can do some case studies on u john :laugh:
ok rang places and i cant get it done today gonna cost bout £49 quid if just brake pads he said and bout that plus £90 quid for discs. damn it will do it monday tho. but.......................... will i b alrite tho if im careful not to brake hard and stuff coz boro quite a way so im rather worried especially as other ppl will b in the car :spangled:
Re: my brakes Yeah I'd get them sorted striaght away if you knock someone over and your vehicle is seen to be undermaintained you can get done for manslaughter.
Re: Re: Re: my brakes Damn right. Thats me down to a tee. I do cause a lot of grief sometimes cause I'm so brutally honest.
hmm cant get em done til monday tho ive rang round 3 different places all full for today and wkend il b extra careful drivin down and back from boro
go to brough park near byker there open till about 12 on a sat andrew pages or partco will sell you sum for about £20 get a man mate to fit them honest its a 30 mins job MAX for both sides
haha problem is, if u go somewhere like kwikfit, whether u need them done or not they'll probably say u do as they get commision on anything soled