What i would give to re-live friday night!!! i know i keep saying, but i cant get over how good it was, i keep thinking it over and over in my head, i would seriously do anything to be back there again! to be standing next to corvin with my mouth open, thinking "oh my god, im standing next to corvin dalek" and to get another cuddle off him, i really really would do anything to have that feeling again!!!
wasnt it just the best?! fuk me corvin is mint! and mr hardwick was just pure class......mmmmmmmmm..........*floaty floaty*
i would like to do it again, and not be as pissed, cos there were loads of ppl there i wanted to have a chat with, but didnt...as always...
I know ur problem Mr Revel I always just go - ello then start spouting loads of shit and forget who I even seen. Be interesting to see my photos when I finally get them developed.
i just get too pissed then dont bother to talk properly to any1.... a) because i spend to much time dancing b) im too pissed to go and speak to ppl cos they think im a fool..
john wouldn't worry i don't think u could get near the amount of silly stuff i come out with, and its not that i do on purpose at all, just try & be normal rosh i say to myself ...........never worx, think im gonna make a conserted effort to be less stupid
too right! corvin is wicked!!! oof, how good??? im sure i wouldnt win in the how much do you like corvin dalek competition, bacuse kerry would be in it, but i would say the man is a genious. the vynil (i cant spell) he gave steve is lush! hha CORVIN CORVIN CORVIN!!!