fucking fuming

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by scruf, Jul 15, 2005.

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  1. Guest

    the biggest one is the best to go for like ... but you must be Brave .... its the most intellegent thing to do anyways as they think you wouldnt dare ... its funny to see them back off like... chickens really but liike i say they get board ....

    I've had bother in wallsend myself :mad:
  2. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    I'd say more fuck off rather than back off :lol:
  3. Guest

    Wallsend's quite rough as is many area's in Newcsastle but everyone knows that .. but in Wallsend Howdon .. in bars if your new there no matter how big you are they offer you on ... bit like ... oi remember ... or who are you like ... (its their turf) ... madnesss in it .... that happened to me brother when he had just moved there ... he said well ho'where then ... and the kid was suprised and baught him a pint instead .... :groovy: :dunce: :king: :love: :cool2:
  4. Guest


    i had to get the phone out of my lads pocket when it was ringing ... mid fight ... i had to like shift the kid out the way to answer the fone ... :lol: chuffed at my guts now .... :groovy: :king: .... i made out i was on the fone to some hardy boy and that he'd better hurry up ... they soon scarppered like ... i was chuffed and saved the day ... as all in all my lad was soft as shite and was just like scrapping like a girl at his face pushing him off n that .... little whimp really... bless though, he got a terrible shock, all we did was crosss the road ... they also to just brag further more ... tried to ghet the fone out of me hand .. i just pushed him off ... yay me !!!!

    theyre guttsy in wallsend
  5. Guest

    Once me and Clarki, don't know if you's know it to be the same Clarki ...theyre might be 2 now ... i'm on about the who used to come on here avatar charv with decs and strippy jumper (Clarki i'm grasssing ya over the net ) well..........
    Me and him were once out in his white Nova (lol) .... and winged an egg off some old wife ... missed... but we stopped, as it was lib takin .... she wud have just came back from the post office or somethin:lol: his idea though .... he'd been doing it all day before he was out with me .. don't kno why he stopped when he was with me the little darlin must have thought i'd be annoyed with him ... hehe ... actually stopping was a better idea ... but as punishment probly.. a few year later as that was back in 2002 ... i had chips threw off my face and it knacked ... red sause and all .... not nice and FUCK they drove off .... :lol:
  6. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    *spinner*sparki* please confirm my suspicions and tell me you are a speed freak? :lol:
  7. Guest

    tbh i'm loving you putting that ....

    i think it shud be legalised the come down is healthy tbf

    i kno it can be awful near horrific lol .. but sensibly tho in it ok :)

    i'm logging out now ... gunna get me speed .... :cyber: kidding

    i'm shatted so there cant be
  8. Micky-Owens

    Micky-Owens Registered User

    Oct 17, 2003
    Likes Received:
    i actually grew up in Howdon


    Rosehill Rd was where it was for full on gang fights back in my time
    i used to live at no 28

    the place is a shit tip

    all the dodgy fuckers you speak off, i probably know them all
    :lol: the Rosehill Tavern used to be my favorite pub, never had a problem myself TBH
    but i suppose its down to which side your on innit :lol:
  9. Traffic

    Traffic Wait a minute

    Jul 26, 2004
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    go to supertex in metro centre and u can get a 16inch machete with holder for £8 look mint i say carry that round with ya and any of them dirty little twats start pull that out they'll say nothing and probs never bother u again
  10. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    Re: fucking fuming

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    if you will mock the minorities....
  11. *Rachel*

    *Rachel* formerly racheismad4it

    Oct 19, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Back in Newcastle :)
    Re: fucking fuming

    thats not very nice! i was at a wedding last week and we were all standin outside in the sunshine havin our family pics tuk and someone tried to hurl an egg at the bride. whats that all about?? it missed her but its not the point
  12. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    toms face was classic when he stormed in on friday nite.. shud have took a photo..

    i held the laffing back.. andy didnt tho.. :wink:

    did u go out with the egg stain on ur jeans in the end then grandad?...
  13. eyeball

    eyeball Registered User

    Nov 28, 2001
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    Shoreditch, East London
    i didnt hold the laughing back...its tom- he wouldve laughed at my misfortune
  14. Guest

    I don't know slash

    mebies i should meet him and leave you' out :lol: :p .. but actually you would have to be there wud'n ya just to see if we are two of a kind :) .... more sence than me! sheeeesh .... i'm impeccable me :)

    and btw ... can you's please stop takin the piss out of my user name ***********:monkey:************
    :king: :angel3: :cry:
  15. Guest

  16. Guest

    ha... Grandad .... gutta for ya<*scotish accent* .... pffffffffffft ... pure stormin normin ... :lol:
  17. Guest

    :lol: :lol: :lol: actually me own pun there is tramendous ... even if i do say

    see the inuendo man

    .... a " "woha" " has just came in to the room from 'buster rhymes' himself .... lol
  18. Guest

    my brother used to live at 25 tynemouth road ....

    it is a bit of a scary place behind there like altho behind there again next to the church them flat ar alreeet like but .... aye its who you kno in it :monkey:
  19. Guest

    Re: Re: fucking fuming

    now thats just apsolutly not on at all .... laughing at that ... just nah ...

    the worst time for me was having the chips hurled at me face ... they must have beeen all lovin it ... with purlarva's like ... did you see the shot on that" would have beeen laughing their heads off ...

    but the worst is a kid once on the back of the bus... we used to call him quaver because his ears were the shape of walkers quaver crips ... lol .... but he used to masterbate in front of us ... thinking it was ok .... we laughed it off but it made us feel sick ... but he once was doing it on the back of the number one bus ... dick right out and everything and one of the other lads threw some chewy and it landed right on his bell end ..... :rofl: .. was hurendis
  20. Guest

    bad idea ... if it was me ... i'd just take the machete off ya and stab you

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