News : 'Deferred Success' Do you feckless a-level students need such molly coddling as this? Thank god it was kicked into touch. left wing liberal shites. We're turning into country of spineless do-gooders...
Absolute joke! But another reflection on how our society is changing, into some soft, PC, wishy washy state. Failure/Success is one of the most basic notions we learn, ya fail ya try harder/another way until you succeed! Its a clear principal which even chavs can understand!! Annoys me how all boundries, benchmark and lines are being removed from everything into something which blends and accomodates all. Used to be theres a line and if ya cross it thats it!!! Now its.... We'll move the line so you didnt actually cross and we'll let ya off this time!! :evil:
LOL it just sounds odd 'deferred success'.... "I didnt feel confident enough i could handle all that success at that time, so I deferred it til I was man enough!"
its only so the government can brag in the hosue of commons at the next general election that no one failed their gcse's might aswell not fucking turn up fucking pathetic
aye but if they get above the pass mark then thats fair enough, no point coing into school fucking about and getting a deferred success. empoyers and colleges wont look on it as a pass, they'll see it as the equivelent of getting a U