Toneeeeeeeeet Where you all off to toneet? Im going to Chavdiff .... not sure what club though, am being picked up en route and whisked away for a tequila sesh
Going to a party a la rave house, Cooperage is coming down with three bottles of wine then were heading there Well we wont be heading anywhere if we drink three bottles of wine but were just getting three to be safe - not that it will prevent the fonecall to dial a drink early hours
I phoned em the other day and Ive some how got the number for BRISTOL area on my phone :spangled: I swear Ive never ordered booze whilst in Bristol Strangeness!
going to a party with a load of people i went to secondary school with. People who think that 1) i still have long hair, 2) im still with martin 3) i did the uni thing properly
i am at a house party. tryin to save my money for gathering . cannot wait,just another few days until i am there.