Spirituality Are you into it at all? If so what forms? I dont mean religion btw! I have a strong conection to the beliefs and practices of Wicca, crystals and their healing power, tarot, divination, astrology etc ... astral projection is a good one aswell - Out Of Body Experience ket fiends will understand that one :laugh: Seriously though ... I mentioned in a thread yesterday that Ive just got some new crystals to help with everything Im going through and theyre working already ...... As well as believing that crystals have healing powers, I look at it logically as a way of channeling positive thoughts. *awaits the new age hippy bashing*
not really into it Whenever I've channeled energy it's always ended up with me getting bruised or starting to bleed.
I had stopped studying wicca for a while until the other day some random picked up on my aura and knew I was a witch .... they sensed it a mile off and Id not even thought about it for months .... crazy stuff.
complete and utter bollocks its for people from the dark ages that didnt know any better in this day and age i think that if crystals had healing powers my G.P. would have given me a few by now
The mind is more powerful than we realise though and the way I look at it is if you've unwell for whatever reason and you channel your positive thoughts into the crystals it will help you get better ... not because of the crystal but because you're positive thoughts are influencing and encouraging you better.
so in reality your positive thoughts are doing all the healing you can take the crystal out of the equation and still get the same results???
Everything is money though and this is hardly mega bucks ... crystals are only like a quid ... and theyre well purdy I remember when I was a kid I had loads and I used to go digging to try and find more :laugh: