.............................. pink and yellow wine bottles with guicci flowerery sunglasses on having street parties on fulffy clouds that bite harder than cheese strings with camera flashes on when theres an army of fish attacking flying sheep make sure you jump over the penny cuz you might fall over and hurt your bum on the cactus and you cant run away when the giant strawberry starts chasing you you know it all goes tits up when you fall pregnant to a vibrator then nine months down the line you give birth to a ten eyed baby that has switches to make it work and battery operated heart orange balloons only pop when flamingos jump over ants whilst radiators start to sing 'im a virgin' and notice green little men doing the cha cha slide how can you melt cheese when its already been melted standing upside down on the plate thats standing on the table red elephants cant swim they just jump on bouncey castles yellow washing machines cant drive they just spin vigorously
Re: .............................. not being funny but what the fuck is that about are you all there?? drugs are not the way forward for you lmao!
Get Casy and Hannah in a room with a Gram of Coke for starters then get smashed on the mule Be fucking nowt the matter
No hes a gay mate of mine whos starting work at Butlins 2moz .... twas his leaving do lastnight, so I had him well pissed hence the random bonj