can any1 sing... ...well? as i could do with a vocalist asap. 50% on advance/royalties + exposure from release. or if anybody knows somebody please let me know!
Graham sings, but only after a few bottles of Lambrini My neighbours at drama school, she can sing, dance and act, not sure what type of stuff she sings tho
a girl i work with sings luke, she used to work as a pro singing teacher and is in a couple of local bands, ill have a word today mate, will be able to get a demo off her too if youre interested
Not long moved back from Sheffield, finished uni now so staying at home for a while till I can clear my debts
never go back to hebburn for me like dull place!! but if ya wanna save perants are the answer!! you off to global ??
Re: can any1 sing... I've got a vocalist that I use, I'll ask her if you like, if you wanna hear her shes on the track closer closer on my soundclick page. click me I'm not guaranting she will do it but I can ask if you want.