Cloakrooms Why the fook, when you go into a nightclub, after just paying a door charge (pressumably for services rendered once you enter a club) do you THEN have to also pay for them to look after your coat? Surley this is just a blatant rip off to get more money off you? ESPECIALLY some clubs where the bouncers MAKE you take your coat off and pay the charge - it's daylight robbery! This only came to my attention cause one friday i went to put my coat in at the Sage, asked how much and was told "errm it's free" - GENIUS!! Of course it should be free - it's a service provided by the venue as part of your door/entry price So - is it all a con?
Con! You can pay about 1.50-2.00 in the clubs in london for cloaks. Total rip off for what you get - the margin they are making on that 'service' is incredible.
it's a rip. totally. We, as a society, have just fallen into the trap of accepting it and paying it... it should be part of your entry fee! Next there will be 'PAY-PER-LOOS'....
its normally to cover the responsibility of taking your items - if you pay the technically if you bag / coat dissapears then the club will cover the cost of replacing it... if the club doesn't charge, therefore accepting no responsibility, and your stuff goes walkies, then they have no obligation to you... this happended to me when lovedough first opened and i got a cheque for £90
There already is!!!! Bloddy Washy Hand Men with their Washy Hand for a quid malarky They seem to be slowly disapearing though
I do think paying for the cloakrooms is a bit of a rip off, but I guess we're all just used to it. Not sure about the accepting responsibility bit though, lots of clubs that charge for the cloakroom have big notices up saying they don't accept responsibility. And I seriously object to the washy hand people too.
It may only be a quid, but it should be included in the price of entrance. I'd rather pay a quid than leave my jacket lying around, which is why we all do pay, the point is that we shouldn't have to.
After paying 15 squid to get into the club u shouldn't need to pay imo. Fair enough if they accept responsibility but I've seen loads of clubs that charge you with a notice up saying they take no responsibility for the items you leave in there.
It was just 1 of those things that turned over in my mind... You're paying for entrance to the club so u expect to have some services included - not having to pay for the cloakroom took me by suprise but made me think when she said "it's part of the service".... and this isn't aimed at Foundation b4 i get banned for "inciting ill-feeling towards foundation" or some other over the top reaction.. it's a general comment
cloakroom service probably went well down hill when i left *kidding* i think paying for cloakroom service is ok mind. especially in the winter when everyone has big coats, i certainly dont want to carry that around with me, i dont mind giving some1 the club trusts a quid to hang on to it.
The thing is , people arent going to not go to a club because they have to pay for the cloakroom so its a win win situation for the club