Craig/Kinga BB Craig to Kinga 'I bet you love suckling Fanny' Just after he refused to commit to his sexuality 'I don't discuss that' YOU DON'T NEED TO, YOU STALKER! IT'S VERY OBVIOUS TO ALL EXCEPT ANTHONY:sick:
Now he's crying because Teacosy asked if he was here just to win 'You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through' Hmmm, I could take a guess like sweet cheeks. I hate him almost as much as I hated Michelle last year. His sexuality isn't an issue to me.. His whinging, snivelling and psycho nature is..
I've just put this on as a result of this thread and witnessed him saying "I don't want to win because I want to win". Righto then, you my friend, are a ****.
please somebody come to my house and turn my TV off Craig is sucking Teacosy's nipples Class Style Self respect All boxes that aren't checked by BB contestants.
kiss him on the nose....... "i aint kissin a bloke!" "id rather wipe me arse with a broken bottle" LMAO!!!
but still Craig won't take the hint If I was in the BB House I'd be getting hauled out on a GBH charge after a week, spitting bits of Craig ears..
thank God it's finished I was going to have to ring for the Royal Butler to come and turn it off. Only another few weeks and they all disappear into Z list obscurity
Anyone see it later on? when Kinga was scoring with both Craig AND Anthony! then she started feeling craigs cock in the pool