What the fuck!? I'm off work ill today cos when i woke up yesterday morning i had a really sore throat and felt queazy all day and i dont feel much better today. The throat has swollen up a bit more but the dizzyness etc has gone away mostly. However, when i looked at my throat there's the usual white lumps on my tonsils but there was also a strange fleshy lump right on the end of the little dangley bit which i found weird. I disregarded it until a couple of seconds ago when I somehow managed to spit this weird lump out after 'grinding' my throat due to an itch as you do. Now i'm able to cough up little bits of blood but i think it's disappearing. I'm not too chuffed and it doesnt sound too nice does it lol. Anyone any idea wtf is up with my throat? It did't hurt apart from the normal sore throat that i still have. :spangled:
Thanks for the advice. i'll make sure i get burried next to my rabbit and hamster in the back garden!
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/throatdisorders.html Case report . Histopathological changes in the human larynx following expanded polytetrafluroethylene
go to the doctors tomorrow hun, u might have strepta cocil scepticemia (sp) which is basically impotigo of the throat :sick: :hug:
Lol, thanks for taking the time to find that m8 however i can't be arsed too look at each of those cos i'm going to let the doctor tell me whats wrong in the morning. I was nothing short of amazed when the lump from the back of my throat was suddenly in the sink though
Lol. I hope not. Possbly the weird base I had that was a pale orange colour :s I ended up getting rid of it cos it was making me feel like shite. I bet it was scum.
I had the white dots all over my throat about 2 months ago. I ignored it and they eventually went but my friend went crazy and said its Tonsilitus and I'm lucky it went as the infection could have got really bad. She thinks i might still be infected but its dormant or something??? Suggest you go to the docotrs though spesh if you're coughing blood!!!! one of my glands in my throat still feels a bit swollen so its worth looking at in the early stages!
I've had Tonsilitus before and it's not necessarily anything to worry about a great deal but the fact that i managed to cough some weird fleshy lump thing out kinda scared me The blood was obviously just from where the lump had been cos it's stopped now. Weird
Have you been fucked over the weekend? It's probably just where you've chewed a load of your mouth away. Standard procedure that.
I wasn't gurning this weekend although i wasn't mr straight head (I am from now on tho gg05 was the official start of my drink only lifestyle). This lump was on the end of the little wobbley bit between your tonsils and i seen it earlier on today and wondered wtf it was. I have no idea how i managed to detatch it tho but it's nasty just thinking about it It was similar in texture as the dead bits of cheek you get after gurning and a pale pink colour. was about the size of a pea. SHIT! I could have ebayed it