Concerts Ive never been in the standing part of a concert, whats it like? Will I get squashed to death and jumped on? Not that I care, Im just so excited! Where's best to stand or do you just stand where ya can? Muchos Gracias
Get yaself down the front, you'll love it. yeah you get squashed quite a lot but the atmosphere is something else
i remember going to Donnington in '95 with metallica heading lining... went to the front at 11am, someone stood on my shoe as i was hurling myself around the mosh pit... the sole was ripped off mi trainer... i had to walk around for the rest fo the festival with only 1 shoe on... and i was right at the front for slayer, skid row, metallica, therapy?, slash's snake shit, CoC, etc, etc and i SWEAR every fucker jumped on my toe at least once... i couldn't move my toes for a week afterwards.. standings GREAT!
That shoe thing was class MOS! I just spat chunks of my breakfast out when i read that .... i think my colleagues suspect im a loony or somethin
just arrived, got to the front, 'Machine Head' came on and i jumped up as 'the throng' came down.. RRRIIIPPPPPPP - que missing sole of shoe.. i still had the uper tied to mi foot!!
Who you going to see? I was right at the front when I went to see Michael Jackson and got proper squashed! Worth it tho.
Re: Concerts You will if you stand near the front aye. When I saw the Happy Mondays at V99 me and my mate got totally squished and someone knocked my glasses off. I'm sooooo lucky they didnt get trod on! It's ok nearer the middle/ back though and I much prefer standing up as the atmosphere is usually better
Re: Concerts I went to watch the Prodigy a few years ago in manchester and was stood at the front, I'm pretty tall so I was ok but my mates got thrown all over the place, one minute they were stood next to me the next they were halfway across the other side, it was pretty funny they said they loved it, but it looked like they were drowning in people.
I was right at the front for Madonna at Wembley Stadium several years ago, with 72,000 people standing behind me. Didn't see my feet for about four hours. Was great, but gets scary at times.
Standings alright I reckon, apart from two groups of numpties that can be annoying, the ones that throw cups of beer around (you pay through the nose for the alcohol then throw it away?) and people who just go totally ott jumping around, apart from that, you should be fine. It's great when all the crowd starts singing and clapping along in unison when you're standing, saw The Killers this year and it was excellent to be part of the whole place singing the chorus to 'All these things that I've done'
we had loads of room at oasis at the arena but it was too fucking hot. wud be much better standing in the crowd at an outdoor festival
Well said If it hadnt of been that hot we'd of totally enjoyed it and wouldnt needed to of went in the foyer for drinks etc - i didnt like coming outa there looking like id pissed myself, top ringing wet and sweat pissing off me 24/7
It's much better near the front, but if you're not sure stand at the side for a bit at first and work your way in if you feel ok.
We are going to see Coldplay in Europe (havent decided where yet) Im gonna have a little bag on my back tho, so dont wana it to be thrown all over. Id love to be at the front But I wana be able to see the full stage for the fireworks and stuff!! I cant express in words how excited I am!!
Did anyone go to GLC at Northumbria last October? Now that was Carnage Think i got started on about 9 times for making randoms crowd surf against their will