it does look mint but the lineup is poor for a dutch dance event like. jules headlining the trance room but the is some mint people on like tbf and the venue looks awsome. dance valley thats me done untill london in october
Will be class MARCE we were going to check when we see whos coming...are you up for all day banter 11am till 11pm at mystery land and then back to the hotel for some :spangled: banter! Clarki said he might be up for it too need to speak to him
I know what you mean but I wouldnt really be going for trance there is some awesome people suich as steve angello who you never ever hear of playing here!
The line-up doesnt have a patch on Global to be fair - but there are some class people on!! Cocoon looks class and there are a few others I saw before. I think I would just look around going "woooaaah"