Msn meets nagging wife?? I nearly spat out my coffee this morning when i used my msn...where it normally tells me to not give out any passwords or credit card details it says..... Please leave the toilet seat down after using this service, Thankyou. anyone else eermm experiencing this? :spangled:
haha wkd! mine says 'KEEP IT TIDY \o/' u can make urs say whateva u like.. download messenger plus... and theres a lot of other crazy crap for msn @
aaaah, i do have msn plus...but i didnt know about this feature!? sum joker has obviously been messing about while i havnt been looking!
maybe u been hacked like me......... mine said summat bowt (dare i say it) snortin coke once...i shat meself!
Mine always logs me out then back in - Im not being hacked though. I blame Windows XP and my dad for fucking about with the computer so much. God damn monkey
i remember that! min did sumat like that once but someone says there are people who can monitor conversations on msn or sumat apparently sum1 off gurn had a conversation with them...cant remember what they sed exactly was ages ago
U can get programmes that leech ur password, log in name then everything each person types. I had something which done it but it got a bit boring after a while cause no1 said anything interesting.