dodgy calls I was receiving loads of dodgy calls last night, from a nasty group of people saying very vile things why do people do these things?
because they're sad immature little shits with nothing better to do must make them feel good or sumat, dno how!
I was recieving 'dodgys' not so long back, but when i answered they just hung up. It went on for about 3 weeks :evil: Will secret agent J Mack not be able to find out who it is for ya
i swapped the sim cards round on my 2 fones last nite coz my k700i is buggered. i ain't had the old fone on for ages and there is 3 messages for some guy who attended a cheese meeting lol. ill record it later and put it up for listening
Re: dodgy calls cazz if you find out who it was i'll kill them myself for you.... horrible people that smel of peas pudding.... they are just loosers with obviously too much time on their hands...or someone that fancies you a bit and just wants to hear your voice anyway im off cazz darling i'll see you later probs at the shop ok babe?? shall i get shopping now or later with you and do you want to go on the sunbeds today??
Re: Re: dodgy calls whatever is easy for you hun!!! i dont mind gis a ring after 12 let is know what your up to
was just telling me about the time she dyed her her brown :spangled: and that the car's in the garage atm getting fixed or something cathy is more random than me
Of all people ma dear i dont think i need to explain to you what "wanting his hole" means... BUT it was in reference the way a certain person was acting around one of your close friends whilst in the house of Urban Merlin after a toungue lashing from Roger Cook.. Comprende ?!?!
fuck off, yas are all bang out of order, i dont find been called up 8 times in middle of night and being told im gonna have my throat slit very funny