come share in my joy! this is my neice or nephew. my sister sent me the scan yesterday and im just so happy about becoming an auntie, that ive been sharing the picture with i decided to share it with you happy peeps on the here he/she is
Thats well cool..I remember when jennifer (Gods 'baby' kitten) was that little inside Fluffys tummy,but now see-ing that scan shes massive. As soon as i get a scanner i wil put a pic of the lil one up for you all to adore.I promise
my mummy says i shud point out that baby appears to have vickis nose. vicki is my sister, the one whos pregnant. but only crasherkid will know who vicki is...and i doubt v much he has ne idea what her nose looks like...but ive said it....shall keep my mummy happy. babies due 16th january...but im hoping it will b lie a week late....want baby to be aquarius
my firsr scan i had of jennifer kimberley was when i was about 15 weeks i think and she just looked like a with things growing outta it