Guess who's back?????? No, not Nicky Tilsey on Coronation Street!!!!!!! Not Elvis either!!!!!!! I meant me, silly!!!!!!!!! Did u miss me???? Go on, be honest!!! I had a pretty good time but the hot weather made me tired really easily and the apartment didn't have air con which made it even worse. There wasn't many people my age there either and the place was a bit too quiet for my liking. Like I said, there wasn't many girls my age either.......not that I wud have had a chance with any of them anyway! It is me that we're talking about!!! It was still relaxing tho, the resort was very laid back and had loads of character and a great sense of community (which you don't see in many resorts anymore) and I enjoyed the break. They had this wicked fireworks display and I'm sure I shudn't have been allowed to stand that near to them! It seemed a gud idea at the time but it was like a warzone! I didn't know whether 2 enjoy it or shit myself!!!!! It was out of this world tho. We also got to walk thru the town in this music parade thing, a bit like a mini love parade but with samba music instead. That was pretty cool too! I'm glad to be home tho and I missed Promise and everyone.
hope u had a good holiday even if it was quiet...lucky to have a brake ..havent had a holiday for to yrs now..but the last one was for 7 weeks...
I haven't actually got you one. I was just joking abt it. I cud take u out somewhere to make up 4 it if u wanted tho?
so, u cud of still baought me a prezzie! how u gonna make it up 2 me? coz i want loadsa prezzie's!!!!
Hmmmmmmm........can't quite see the logic in bringing back a prezzie for a stranger when I don't even know what u like but never mind! How wud u like me to make it up 2 u? I cud take you to the pictures or something if u wanted?