Eh!? Ive just had a phonecall off someone saying I was through to radio one and because my name was cooper if I shouted 0 then I would win a mini cooper after they ocunted down to 5 and I didnt shout it because I thought it was a joke...I mean why would someone ring the house at this time..weird?
It might not be live and be a pre recorded competition Then again it might have been one of your mates
yeah thats what my mum when I answered a woman said youve been selected to win etc then said now you will be put through th Jo wiley live on radio one then a different voice came on and if it was real the dj would explain that to mum said if people shout 0 loud then they may then give you a number to ring to claim your prize which blatently rips money off you...apparently theres been ones from Phillip Scholfield (sp) circulating aswell...!
neeewaaaay jess! you could have won something!! i would have shouted me and then seen what the skeet was, if it was one of our lot winding me up id kill them tho!
I you mentioned, but picture it, most desk clarks are about 40 year old, sitting there with a cup of coffee and about 20 Benson & Hedges on the go at once, result!!!!