it aint asking for me pet its asking for you seen as though you seem to be so desperate to score wiht anyone
pffffft im more than happy with my lovelife it aint over here for a start even depserate times wouldnt succumb me to your levels
does anyone know who this class A looser is?? hes doing my tits in. has no crack and is obviously soo ugly he thinks he can post shit crack on here and still be in with a chance with random birds?? wtf: he hasnt even been to promise and yet thinks BOG GEORGE and KELLY LORRENA should make some sort of guest appereance... what a fucking looser. IKON = ikon..... get to bed
does anyone know who this class A looser is?? hes doing my tits in. has no crack and is obviously soo ugly he thinks he can post shit crack on here and still be in with a chance with random birds?? wtf: he hasnt even been to promise and yet thinks BOG GEORGE and KELLY LORRENA should make some sort of guest appereance... what a fucking looser. IKON = ikon..... get to bed
does anyone know who this class A looser is?? hes doing my tits in. has no crack and is obviously soo ugly he thinks he can post shit crack on here and still be in with a chance with random birds?? wtf: he hasnt even been to promise and yet thinks BOG GEORGE and KELLY LORRENA should make some sort of guest appereance... what a fucking looser. IKON = ikon..... get to bed
Some peple on here seem to get wound up and bite all the time and dont realise if its an alias and u ignore them they'll fuck off......the more u feed them with shite replys the more they'll post