The promise Dictionary Evrybody has words they use that dont appear in the Normal dictionary So i figure we should make a one of our own . put your word in and its meaning ! Uluvitupu = pretty self explanitory that one can be used as an insult or si,ply shouted as a euphoric decleration whats this tookie stuff mean then ? add your words !
fine besmurch my attempe at tackling the lack of linguistic skills among the youth of today . I shal now go and slap myself with a barbed baseball bat until I feel no more pain from your horrid besmurchment ! so you couldnt think of a word then eh
heres some seahamish for ya! bobby burt ,n; to travel slowly or act pikeyish batesey: a short person... very short rousel: to smell like a fucking dead dog guysey: face like a bag of smashed crabs Martin / Abba: to be none responsive to sound Jyka: to take without owners consent, i.e steal theres more where that came from
the bay lot a responsilbe for a lot if not all CRAP words im using at the min... please can i quote katie scrafton................... Can everyone answer to HAJI as i need a tab........ Eeeeeeh?...................... Theres a spiders web in my eye.......... heres some anyway... HAJI a random call out.... used in situations when extreme attention is needed urgently.. i.e loosing frisbies, loosing limbo somewhere, needing a tab, hiding from smithy... SKEET one of urban merlins favourite words... can be used in many ways... "whats the skeet" = whats happening, "ermmm, just skeeting aboot" = one of katie and limbos favourite sayings when they've been causing bother.... in fact the bay should have their own
Hew - A term used in Upper Northumberland after many a saying - for example "Alreet like hew" "Fancy a pint like hew" Like - A word again which follows many a saying/phrase - for example "Alreet there like" or "Aye like"