Westwood bit random but ive just seen this cunt on the box and i cant fucking stand him. anyone else loathe him?
aye, hes a fucking ageing white man who looks like gary rodes trying to be a 'hip' black youngen. does he not have mirrors in his house?
watched pimp my ride uk last night and he does look like a fish out of water piss poor take on the american one
up tight pillocks. u take him seriously? Get back to your eminem cds.. he's 'proper street' isn't he?
He sounds like an idiot, but he's done more for hip-hop in this country than anyone else. If you hang round that scene your bound to start using the 'lingo'. You're all a bunch of middle class white folk but you're fully conversant in all kinds of drugs, cos they're part of the scene you're 'in to'.
anyone got the classic album from late 80's by bomb the base "way of the dragon" ~( i think... it's at home..) ? westwoods on it... even then he was a legend of the scene - it's now a classic sample : who's in the house? WESTWOOD and what is it? CAPTIAL RAP SHOW Come back when you know something about what you're talking about and you actually have any experience
Personally, no matter how much someone acts differently or as some would put it 'like a tit', to get where he is and be that successful earns my respect
Bless, teenage crush was it Persnally i think he's a 24 ct cunt, i cant fucking stand him / his show or owt he does actually
your all white trance loving scum bags (few excluded you know who you are ) no wonder you hate Westwood. HATERS.