ill!!! ive been bad the past week, gotta have me tonsils out!! ahhhh! i dont like hospitals. i cant even speak atm... has anyone else been in hospital because of this??
Re: ill!!! not me yet... think i will have to get mine out if it perstists in me been ill with my throat all the time total dying myself to with a cold and tonsilitos get well soon
Re: Re: ill!!! cheers hun i totally get it all the time but i always had an excuse for when they sent for me to get them out, not this time though :cry2:
Re: Re: Re: ill!!! Atleast once theyre out you only have a while of suffering then are tonsillitis free for the rest of your life
Been in hospital twice with it chick then I got them taken out and its the best thing Ive ever decided to do!! I was dreading the operation but it wasnt even bad - my throat was bad afterwards but I was so prone to sort throats and every one would always turn into tonsilitus - I hardly ever get sore throats now and If i do its nothing like it used to be! As for you sweetie really really try and gargle the salt water as it does really work!! Salty crisps dont exactly go down a treat but they work as well. Ice cream isnt really that want salty stuff I know it stings but doooo it!! Just get lots of rest and whale Also I know it nacks when you drink but get looottts of water and ribena down ya Hope your better soon x
Got mine out when I was 5.. its not that bad tbh.. I was more scared by the hospital food However.... only 3 years ago I took ill again with signs of tonsilitis (and glandular fever at the same time). I said, wrote even, that it was impossible as I'd had them removed.. but they left stumps and they had got infected! Bastards! Good luck with it all.. it'll be worth it!