Muslims get Piglet & ice cream banned! Just read this. An article from the Telegraph yesterday picking at the MINORITY of muslims who think they really know what Islam is all about. It tells of the power muslims have in current British society and how it only takes one complaint for people to jump. Burger King have had to change their menu because someone complained the swirl in the ice cream looked like it said 'ALLAH' in Arabic. Another complaint was that to get rid of all pig pictures from an office in Dudley. That meant Piglet from Winnie the Pooh was banned. Please read, it's fantastic! Titled: Making a pig's ear of defending democracy By Mark Steyn
Someone got it right the other day - it's not about "trying to keep people happy" it's about councils/organisations/etc trying to cover themselfs so they don't get sued by this 'compensation lead' society.... on the news last night - people we complaining about the amount of compensation being awarded for being injured in the london bombings - who are they getting this money from? the terrorists? i know it's the CICA (criminal injuries compensation something) but how can u blame someone for it other than the people who did it? thats why you have your OWN personal life cover... seems no-one takes any responsibilities for their OWN actions anymore...
to me - it's the government, using our taxes, to pay for criminals acts. if (hhmm... could be WHEN!) i have a heart attack and drop down dead - my relatives will get nowt unless u have my own life cover. i wouldn't expect BHS to pay if i was in their shop when i popped mi clogs! it wouldn't have been like this 50 years ago - you would have to just got on with it... now we 'expect' to be compensated for every little thing. i'm not having a go at the tragic incidents and injuries that happened to the unfortunate people involved in the bombings
I'm fucking sock of this anti Muslim shit, ITs EXACTLY what the terrorists want and this hatred is gonna force more young muslims into this hate terror campanign. 99% of Muslims are honest decent people and we should respect there ways even if we do not beilve them, we seem to forget that MILLIONS of muslims have been killed by western Catholics over the years and i for am please we are soon gonna see a muslim country in the EC, Turkey have not had it easy from the greeks and other allied forces over the last 100 years and deserve to be let in
But have you ever read the Koran that states little Piglet, that brings joy to millions everyday, should be banned from cups and tissue boxes wherever a muslim walks and talks? All the article is saying is that the minority of muslims are taking the piss. Just to quote the article, it states, "Piglet is deeply offensive and so's your chocolate ice-cream, but if a West End play opens with a gay Jesus, Christians just need to stop being so doctrinaire and uptight." Multicultural societies are cool as fuck, and you can deal with the petty grievences of some, but sometimes it goes to far. That's because the Turks invaded and occupied Greek Cyprus!
Explain??? we are not half as bad as the yanks for this kinda thing and i feel i live in a safe and happy comminity with plenty of oppertunities and plenty of entertainment? I think this country compared to many other is a great place to live?
I think you'll find I actually said that by using the words 'minority of muslims'. Obviously most muslims would totally laugh at Allah ice cream bans and Piglet tissue box bans.