Iran blamed for attacks on British troops Britain has accused Iran of responsibility for explosions which have caused the deaths of all eight UK soldiers killed in Iraq this year. They say they have provided technology to a Shia group in southern Iraq who have recently used roadside bombs to kill UK troops.... although the Iranians had denied this. Its very strange for a country to publicly accuse another of something like this when there doesn't seem to any real proof to speak of. I smell I rat....... the UK & USA have something planned for Iran and seem to be laying down a few "they are a danger to us" seeds into the uk publics minds..... Personally I don't blame Iran for sketching out and making numerous antiwest comments and stocking up on the nukes etc... They a have been surrounded on two fronts by the US/Joke collation forces (Afgan & Iraq). If the UK was surrounded by unfriendly forces would you think we would be stocking up on weapons? or course we would. Theres a bit of a problem with attacking Iran in my eyes......... their all fucking nutters! they wouldn't roll over like the nation of shop keepers did in Iraq. They would fight to death. These people invented radicalism and the suicide bomber.
Re: Iran blamed for attacks on British troops It's like Tim Collins said - these people have outperformed the IRA in less than six months - they have to have had outside aid.
oh there's no doubt in my mind that the US is going to invade Iran, and with grave consequences. Let's just pray the UK don't get involved this time, but they probably will.
Theres probs some truth to this. The longer iran can fuel the insurgency in itaq, the longer it keeps us out of their country.. not to mention alot hate westerners now anyway after the invasions of afghanistan and iraq. quite funny really as iran wouldnt have pisssed on iraq a few year back.