Dark Water Anyone seen this? Yet another pile of crap graces my tv screen. What films does everyone recommend lately? I give up on horrors now I think the genre itself is more of a horror than the actualy films that manage to squeeze their way out of it. Any good comedies out atm? I fancy a trip to the cinema sometime this week and wouldn't mind seeing a decent film for once
Lost is without a doubt one of the best things i have ever watched. I'm not sure about the new series though, the setting seems to be changing a bit quickly for my liking but we'll see Prison Break is also good. Anyone know what night this is on in the US? I might try Wolf Creek then
on lost havent seen 24 yet will most likely end up watching them all at some point though got some catching up to do
Prison Break airs on monday nights mate, but its havin a 2 week break (bloody yanks) and is back next week
I gave absolutely nothing away there... The scene has been changing and growing all through the first series so it's hardly a spoiler
get down to the tyneside then, I haven't seen a decent film at a mainstream cinema for a long long time... garden state, tarnation, bullet boy, the edukators, assasination of richard nixon, 5x2... the list of brilliant films over the last year is endless...
Wanted to see that but its not on anymore Dark Water is one of the worst films ever. So dull :yawn: Went to see Domino the other day, that was crap. History of Violence was totally pants, nothing hardly happened, apart from the soft porn scenes