sometimes the truth is simple and does not need to be funny, its simply true, now run along and get a life, you not found anyone nice on yet?
not dierectly, but people always bring him up on here. Its not fair when he rarley posts to defend himself.
You're shit at winding people up... Pike or Joe would have had me ripped to shreds by now, all you can manage is "run along and get a life" I'm done with you, I thought you might be funny to wind up but you're about as funny as your own put-downs... which I've yet to see anyone on here laugh at
I think you misunderstand this whole thread, I'm not trying to be funny you cock, i just think your a compleate gimp with no life, and when i saw you the other day i realised you look like one too, In no way am i trying to crack any jokes or put you down im just pointing out fact.... your an ugly fat little geek, end of
This is hilarious Having seen me once in a crowded pub you can conclude that I live my life solely on the net - that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard Thats like me concluding that you shove four fingers up your arse because I couldn't see your other arm on friday night
Prove it... I have never met you hence i think your really a tall dark and handsome interesting guy with plenty mates and a fit girl on your arm
No i thought you were a geek cos of the way you act and write on here, when i finally saw what you looked like it backed up my suspitions. and you would have to sniff my fingures if you were to prove pikes four finger theory, im always open to let people have a sniff
I think once someone starts on the personal insults it means the person they're aiming it at has touched a nerve. It sort of proves you're as shallow as a bird bath imo. It's ok though, cos this isn't 'you' posting all the time is it Why don't you's just battle it out in a carpark somewhere it would be more fun :samurai:
i don't think there's anything wrong with personal insults if they are intelligent and reasonably witty. it makes for much more of an interesting read than some of the shit on here