sleep walking anyone else do this, ive done it twice in as many weeks. last nights was a corker, i walked into me mam and dads bedroom got my knob out and lent against the wall, my dad woke me up just before i was about to colour the wals in
what the fuck do you dream about son i have good ones but not that bad, i got up not long ago went into the kitchen and made a raw bacon sarnie, my mam heard someone russling about so came downstairs and watched me to make sure i didnt do nout daft, i buttered the break and everything, shame i didnt cook the bacon tho, and went to bed i put a small microwave lasagne on the other night, i was gutted when i got up and realised i'd burned my breakfast
I managed to lock myself out of my hotel room in Manchester naked sleep walking to the toilet. I only woke up after standing in my own puddle of pee on the stairs. Worst thing was when I came to, I knocked the door of my brother in law. Get totally ripped for it.
My dad once had a wee in the xmas tree and he also went to wee in the oven on a different occassion before my mam gave him a slap
One of the me mates got out of bed, walked across the room, opened his suitcase and pissed all over his clothes. (It was the only the second day of the holiday in Majorca last year) - His room fucking stunk!
I sleep walk all the time, l have done since l was a kid I've even managed to jump down the stairs once when l was alsleep when l was 10 (I think l was dreaming l was superman or something)
I dont think ive ever sleep walked but ive been told i talk an awful lot - Id love to hear what i rant on about! lol
Went into my m8's parents room and made myself a bed on the floor next to them with blankets i'd found somewhere along the way, been in my m8 laurens mams room loads to put her light on then leave, I left her house once too (in South Shields) then returned to tell everyong i was cold (still asleep), been in my ex's parents room, been in my mam and dads room tons of times and been caught trying to piss all over the place over the years. The creative walks only happen when i've had a few to many beers. My m8 pissed all over my living room floor a few weeks ago and then passed out next to his puddle. I'd been in and out of my mam and dads room all that night too. Parents were not happy the next day
I've heard it can be quite dangerous to fuck about with someone who's sleep walking. I don't know how true this is. Maybe it's another one of these daddy longlegs are poisonous type myths
Re: sleep walking My mate john did the exact same thing to someone elses rents when he was staying over