the last thing i need is a no body like you being so arrogant infact im not gonna let yor petty comments get to me :angel:
Well im sorry but all i said was maen and you go on a massive rant saying i have aids and im insensitive, now dont get me wrong but those sound like petty comments, i have nothing against you so dont have a go at me cos i will always respond back
Not really i just dont take people saying thinkgs like adis riddled lying down as i expect you would not.
I normally get it once every 6 weeks or so, you get loads of grief about not helping out with household chores, washing, ironing, cleaning etc. I find that if you get manage to see out that spell you have 6 more weeks of easy living ahead of you.
Re: Moody Yeah I get that occasionally but usually only if it's that time of the month or I've got a horrendous come down/ hang over. I think this time of year makes people feel shite in general tho really- people at uni have ages to go before the end of the year, and just generally theres the stress of christmas looming plus the dark nights/ mornings and the weather is just gonna get colder and shitter! I hope you feel better soon x x x
I'm moody today I think it's because I'm tired from not getting enough good sleep at the weekend...i hate it when i feel down and rubbish