we did some drive by bb gunning with amazingly lifelike guns on the utter lowlife scumbags that hang around the shops and corners of new marske many moons ago... should have seen the fuckers dive for cover
every night for about half a year. had to stop as stories were being printed in the paper and stuff so did not want to have the '5 0' on our back. had a 'cracking' time tho
haha never... marske has a few decent areas but its full of charv wanabees... new marske is just up the road and is pointless. its like cramlington - just a load of houses and one or two corner shops. again one or two nice bits but full to overflowing with skiprat scumbaaags... me best mate moved there and he hated it, so we just used to cause mayhem. ive broken into and entered a house (to get a footy back that smashed thru a window), went on a proper vandals rampage that lasted from redcar thru marske and into new marske after a rowdy night, and been photo'd by his neighbour for causing havoc (i wouldnt of minded but i was necking with a minger at the time) the joys of being young and utterly stupid
wow!!! chill ya buzz, its not as if we'd shot her with bb guns or through darts at her and i was only 19 at the time.